Within ATV, the R&D is a common philosophy rather than being a specific department. In facts, it is embedded within each person and process of the organization. Developments are continuously proposed and innovative solutions are consequently studied to make the ATV world more effective.
A proactive system develops solutions before the market will require them, specially where problems, risks and challenges coming from the industry will generate opportunities to improve.
The followings are the most relevant and actually studied topics:
- Technologies to develop challenging solutions for extreme pressures and temperatures, e.g. the new frontier of the HPHT. In this case, several disciplines are conveyed to the scope of exploring advanced solutions required to engineer, design, validate the design, prototype, qualify, and validate the qualification activities. New algorithms will be used to qualify the materials for the pressure containing and pressure controlling components as fracture mechanics, fatigue analysis in saline water conditions, etc.
- Researches on the materials, which are representing the most challenging activities: the need to have high yield materials with ease to quench in depth, fairly resilient at low temperature, with good weldability.
- Welding processes in presence of joint with different materials (for instance micro-alloyed or low alloy carbon steel, with internal CRA overlay, to be welded to Duplex stainless steel).
- Hardfacing processes to be applied to the sealing and sliding components in presence of HPHT service conditions where the traditional hardfacing processes are on the borderline of their dependability.
- NDE, due to the fact that the highest quality standards are priorities for ATV consequently new technics and methods are continuously evaluated and analysed.
ATV purpose is to evolve itself by evolving R&D.